Good 2 go have started a new football programme for all the young people to take part in

Here are some quick 5 a side rules


A team can have a maximum of 8 players for any one game – 5 players, of which one must be a goalkeeper, and 3 substitutes.

A minimum of 3 players are required for the game to go ahead.

  • Any written complaints made to Football Evolution regarding teams playing unregistered players, may lead to the offending team receiving a 5-0 defeat for the match.
  • If a team have less than 3 players and borrow players to make up a team, the game will be classed as a friendly and their opponents will be awarded a 5-0 win.
  • New players can be registered at any point in the season and there is no limit to the number of players you can register.
  • All players must be 16yrs  and over
  • All players must wear the same colour shirts (except GK). Bibs will be available if required.
  • All Players are advised to wear shin guards and knee high socks.
  • Please check with Football Evolution to see what types of footwear are allowed.

2.       REFEREES

Please respect the referee, dissent will not be tolerated. All refereeing decisions are final.

3.       GOALKEEPER (GK)

  1.      The GK is allowed out of his area, when he does he will be treated as an outfield player.
  2.      There are no restrictions on the GK using his feet in the area during active play.
  3.      The GK can pick up a back pass.
  4.      Goal kick distribution – kick from the floor as he would in a normal game (goal kick) – from within the area.
  5.      Open play distribution – underarm only
  6.      Penalty for overarm distribution – Free kick 5 yards outside the area (dead centre).


This info is available on the relevant league webpage. A maximum of 1 minute is given to change ends at half time. Injury time is at the discretion of the referee.


  •     Unlimited substitutions are allowed as long as the referee is made aware of the changes.
  •     Substitutes must enter and leave the field of play from behind their own goal.
  •     Substitutions can only be made when the referee gives permission and play has stopped.


There is a minimum amount of players required for a game to go ahead. 5-a- side = minimum of 3

If a team does not have enough players they may wish to borrow a player from another team. In this case the team must get permission from the opposition. This must be witnessed by the organiser/referee.

If a team has 5 of their own players, it is against the rules to borrow players to be substitutes.

All the following circumstances must be witnessed by the referee/organiser

a)     If they agree, the game will go ahead as normal.

b)     If they disagree, then the team will have to play with the minimum or forfeit the game (5 – 0 defeat and 2 x match fee)

c)     If they disagree, a 5 – 0 win is awarded and a friendly played, with both teams paying their match fee.

d)     If a team have less than 3 players, they can borrow players to make up their team. In this instance, the game will go ahead but will be classed as a friendly and their opponents will be awarded a 5-0 win. The team  borrowing players will be required to pay 1.5 match fees and their opponents pay half a match fee.


  • The referee will deal with all fouls and misconduct which will be punished accordingly.
  • Slide tackles are not allowed (direct free kick), although players can slide to keep the ball in play if unopposed.
  • Any free kick is direct and the defending team must retreat at least 5 yards from the ball.


  • Verbal warning
  • 1st offence, Blue Card – 5 minutes sin bin
  • 2nd Blue Card in a game = Red Card – player will play no further part in the game – £16 fine and appropriate suspension.

Straight Red Cards – Go directly to your local county FA which will affect 11-a-side participation.

Football Evolution reserves the right to prohibit any player, team or club from taking further part in Football Evolution competitions.


Any player is allowed in the penalty area to play the ball.  A penalty (2 steps maximum) will be awarded for an infringement by the defending team in the area.


In all cases where a match has been abandoned through the fault of one of the teams, the match shall be awarded to the opposition. In all cases Football Evolution will investigate the circumstances and decide what action and result will be recorded.


  • A goal can be scored directly from any kick off.
  • Backpass rule – The GK can pick up a backpass.
  • There are NO OFFSIDES.
  • For all other rules the laws of Association Football will apply.