Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Who can I contact in an emergency or regarding a referral?

A. You can contact us during office hours. In addition, we operate a nightly on-call service.


How old are the people that live in the units?

A. 16+ means we work with young people from the age of 16 up to 24. We have different resources in the community that will be able to meet your needs.


How much is the young persons allowance?

A. The Local Authority will determine the amount of money that any young person will receive.


Do you assist with moving young people into social housing?

A. GOOD2GO will support application for housing at 18 once it has been discussed and agreed. This is on the basis that it has been agreed in the last planning meeting Looked after Care Review. Young people must have  that require demonstrated and achieved throughout the period of stay in semi Independent Accommodation.

Who can I contact in an emergency or regarding a referral?

A. You can contact us during office hours. In addition, we operate a nightly on-call service.

How many staff work in the Residential Unit?

A. Five experienced Residential support Workers work in he main unit 24hors a day. one staff member also sleeps in on duty 24 hours a day. Senior Project staff provide an emergency, out of hours back up service.

How old are the people that live in the units?

A. 16+ means we work with young people from the age of 16 up to 24. We have different resources in the community that will be able to meet your needs.


Do you assist Young People with their weekly subsistence allowance?

A. All young people accommodated by the Local Authority will receive a weekly allowance from their local Authority Good 2 Go assist you with budgeting your money so it last for the week. This is done in a variety of ways depending on your needs.

What type of supported Accommodation do you offer?


  • 24 hour supported residential house, situated in Harlow Essex an emergency placement  facility for young people needing immediate assistance and support, and as  such we accept admissions Monday to Fridays between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., providing circumstances dictate it is in the Young Person’s best interest.
  • Semi supported shared housing that can accommodate up to 6 young people, approximately 2 miles from the main residential unit.
  • Individual Outreach packages are also offered, once a young person has moved into or is already living in their own accommodation. We aim to motivate, support and empower Young People in order to facilitate their smooth transition from care to independence with a continuation of support where appropriate.
  • All services offer 24-hour staff support and emergency back-up service


What type of meetings take place throughout a Young Persons stay?

A. There are different meetings that can take place on different occasions.

  • Looked After Children’s Reviews
  • Planning Meetings
  • Community Meetings

We always encourage attendance from Young Persons, Social Workers, family and significant others that are involved in the Young Persons life. This also enables us to get a complete picture of the circumstances  witch will enable us to offer the highest level of support. These meetings are not always easy, and may bring up some painful memories for The Young Persons and family.  Experienced staff and managers will try to ensure all meetings take place in a supportive atmosphere where everyone’s contributions are welcomed and valued.

Do young people get support for preparing meals?

A. We understand that some young people have not had to cook for themselves before so staff will assist you with this. However, we will always ensure you have a meal on a Sunday cooked for you. GOOD2GO provide an allowance for Young Persons to purchase other food that they would like to cook on the rest of the days and assist with a menu plan and shopping. All Young Persons are asked what types of food they like when first moving in and are encouraged to be involved in preparing and cooking meals. When Young Persons have demonstrated that they can cook for themselves they will be given an allowance in order to plan and cook personal meals six days a week. Independent skills are discussed on a regular basis in key work sessions.